Thursday, January 6, 2011

Groundbreaking Research

Well hello everyone. I got a copy of Staint Joseph's journey. There's a write up on the TOP DOG, Dr Daneker. Georgia Tech and Saint Joseph's Hospital have joined together to begin the first regional research program to study the genetics and cell biology of pancreatic cancer. Tissue and serum samples from patients with cancer are being scrutinized to identify the differences in genetic and cellular features between normal and tumor cells. Findings from this research will be used for the ultimate purpose of developing test for early diagnosis and identifying specific,targeted therapies to treat pancreatic cancer. " no two individuals are alike nor are two cancers; each is unique based on genetic and protein makeup."

The current reasearch is the first to focus on pancreatic cancer, accepted to be the most fatal of common cancers. Pancreatic cancer is similar to ovarian cancer in that it often goes undetected until the disease is too far advanced for curative therapy.

Research efforts will focus on screening and early detection. They hope to identify patterns of molecular expression unique to cancer patients. This can lead to a sensitive screening test that requires only one drop of blood to run.

Dr. Daneker says this is a unique partnership that facilitates rapid discovery and individual treatments.