Tuesday, January 20, 2009

all new plumbing

We anxiously waited at the staff elevator doors for mom to be rolled into ICU. As soon as the elevator door dinged we raced, tripping over one another to confirm it was her as the nurse yelled "WADDY." We quickly circled the bed to make our own assessment. It was her...and boy she looked better than I expected. I think we were all shocked at how great she looked and how responsive she was. She was waving her hand in the air making OK signs with her fingers....she repeated several times "I made it" and "It's done" and she blew kisses to my dad. It was a remarkable moment...I was relieved to see mom and was so proud of her strength.
Julie and Betsy were scheduled to fly back to Indy so as soon as the nurses let us into the room they were the first to visit with mom. Betsy told mom that she had a surprise for her and mom's first response was "animal crackers?" No animal crackers for awhile mom! Betsy had actually gotten mom a black and white toy kitty cat because she knows how much mom's own cat means to her.
Ok, so she was not completely in right mind but very alert. She recogized my dad's voice and touch right away...she held his hand for a very long time and whispered "I did it...It's done...love you."
During my visit, I kissed her forehead and told her how proud I was of her. She squeezed my hand tight...very tight and said in a vicious voice "I want to get out of here." She almost had me worried that she might try something funny.
Mom's lips and mouth were very dry but continued to hold a conversations with each of us. She said she felt a little nauseas. She must have been dreaming about food during the entire surgery...during the first visits after surgery she asked for animal crackers, diet coke, filet mignon.
Mom had a very friendly nurse named Vincent tonight...Vincent loves his job and made mom feel very comfortable. Thank you Vincent!
Visitor hours are over at 9pm in ICU.
Good night mom! You are my best friend and I love you!
Dad, please get some rest...see you in the morning.
Julie and Bets, it's a good thing Delta didn't have room for you tonight!

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