Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another bump in the road...

Us waiting for the elevator last night after our visit. We only stayed but a minute.

So, Mom has been running a fever of 103 and higher. She has an infection.
They've taken cultures and are waiting to determine what type of bacteria she has so that they can treat it.
Please, we are asking that you wait a day or two to visit.
They will know tomorrow what action to take, as far as what antibiotic to administer.
For now, they've given her Tylenol and have bags of ice all over her to help cool her down.

Peggy and Brandon popped in just as I'd arrived.


Julie said...

Was your visit brief b/c that lady behind you is saying "get outta here"? Kinda looks like it! I hate to hear about Mom's set back. I know she's been running a bit of a temp for days. Too bad they didn't get on it sooner. Ice isn't gonna kill any bugs.

Kelli Rose said...

I was just on the phone with dad again...They gave her some tylonel but her fever is still reading 103.7.

Tim G said...

Kelli just called me and it's down to 100.9

Tim G said...

Temperature is back down to 98.5.
Let's hope it stays there.

Anonymous said...


WE All Know You Are eLeCtRiC!!.....but please NO MORE Power Surges. Stay CoOl !!
Love U

Anonymous said...

Dear Rose,
I am reading your blog every day and I am so happy that you are doing well. Thenkfully, your temp is back down.

Hang in there! Best Wishes from one POST WHIPPLE PATIENT since Jan of 2006. Maybe when you get better we can talk. From one who has been there. Dr. Daneker was my surgeon and he is a wonderful doctor. You are continually in my prayers.
JFBC Member